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Although the Sprouts and Roots Programs are very well organized and easy to follow, teachers and parents will find it easier to deliver the programs if they participate in a seminar given by Jenny Miller. Jenny's seminars are practical and time is used efficiently. Participants will leave with a better knowledge of the English code and they will be more prepared to use the strategies and games outlined in the programs.

In a one-day seminar teachers and parents will learn all about how to effectively use the Reading Roots Programs. Schools may contact Jenny to make arrangements.

Watch for upcoming seminars that will be offered in Calgary.

If teachers are unable to attend a seminar, a private session could be arranged.

Parents who would like to home school their child, or give them extra help at home could contact Jenny for private sessions. First, their child could be given a diagnostic assessment so an appropriate program could be planned. Then the parent and child could attend a few sessions with Jenny to get started on the program. They then could continue on their own, with a check up every now and then and a final assessment when the program has been completed.

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