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The Reading Sprouts and Reading Roots programs are ideal for tutoring.  Jenny lives in the Northwest of Calgary and has been tutoring from her home for the past few years.  She developed her new programs with tutoring in mind.  Her programs are ideal for Kindergarten to Grade 3 and even for older students who are having great difficulties with reading and spelling.

In the first session, students are given a diagnostic assessment with a parent in attendance.  Jenny then determines their needs and develops a program suited for them.  Students are tutored once or twice a week for one-hour sessions.  Parents are required to attend the tutoring sessions so they can learn how to help their children at home.  They are given materials to work with at home, including a board with magnetic letters and books at the students’ reading level for daily reading.

The program is straight-forward and easy for parents to use.  Students who work thirty minutes a day with their parents progress rapidly and are usually at grade level in an average of four months. When students are at grade level, they are given post tests and the parents receive a report with the pre test and post test marks.

According to the statistics, students tutored with the Reading Roots Program average 18 one-hour lessons in an average of four months.  In four months, students’ grade levels improve by an average of 17 months in reading and 10 months in spelling.

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